Dir. Michael P. Noens • Wri. David B. Grelck & Michael P. Noens

Wes Murray (Jonathan C. Legat) and Lauren Brunner (Stephanie Wyatt) meet in a hotel bar one night in Stillwater, Illinois. They are both visiting this small town for a funeral that they are only connected to by association. After a few drinks and really engaging conversation, they decide to call it a night and exchange pleasantries. They go back to their lives outside of Stillwater and back to their relationships. With that one night together in the back of their minds, they begin to see how stale their lives have become. Wes is working a dead-end job that he hates and Lauren is not moving forward in her career as photographer. Passion is missing from their lives and they seem to have caught a glimpse of it in that hotel bar. Time passes and their paths serendipitously cross, coincidentally at that same bar. The connection is still there as if not a moment has passed. In a blaze of excitement, they spend one glorious night together only to wake the next morning, struggling to defend their feelings for one another and combat the ramifications this will have in their failing relationships and their families.

Prod. Steve Coulter • David B. Grelck • Mark Stewart Iverson • Michael P. Noens

Starring. Jonathan C. Legat • Stephanie Wyatt